

Code of Best Corporate Practices

As established in the Mexican Stock Exchange's Internal Regulations in force; issuers are required to submit to the MSE, no later than June 30 of each year and through Emisnet, a report corresponding to the immediately preceding fiscal year, regarding the degree of adherence to the Code of Best Practices, in accordance with the electronic format determined by the Stock Exchange.

Therefore, in compliance with the above, Megacable publishes its response every year.

Anti-Corruption Policy

The purpose of this Policy is to project to all directors, officers and Employees of Megacable Comunicaciones, as well as to related third parties, a message of resounding opposition to corruption in all its manifestations, as well as the Group's will to eradicate it from all its activities.

Code of Ethics

The Code of Ethics (the Code) is the set of rules and standards of conduct that every member of Megacable Comunicaciones must observe based on our values. It is the guide that should govern our conduct in all the activities we carry out as Employees.

Articles of Association

The capital stock of Megacable Holdings S.A.B. de C.V. consists of 1,721'355,673 Series A shares, all of which are outstanding, fully paid and not subject to additional contributions. Megacable's shares are registered in the Registro Nacional de Valores (RNV) and are listed exclusively on the Bolsa Mexicana de Valores S.A. de C.V. (BMV) under the ticker symbol: MEGA-CPO.

Sustainability Statement

The Sustainability Statement is the document that reflects Megacable Comunicaciones' commitment to incorporating environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) practices into its operations. Likewise, it expresses the alignment of the Sustainability Strategy with the Sustainable Development Goals.

Sustainability Manual

The Sustainability Manual is the document that describes how ESG (Environmental, Social & Governance) best practices are integrated into the Company's operations. This manual also includes the actions carried out by the Company, on which the Sustainability Model and Strategy are based. It also highlights the various initiatives with which Megacable contributes to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Operation of the Sustainable Financing Committee

The purpose of this policy is to establish the functions and responsibilities of the Sustainable Financing Committee to ensure compliance with the guidelines and principles within the Megacable Sustainable Financing Framework. This document serves as a guide for the proper administration and operation of the Company's Sustainable Financial Instruments.

Sustainable Financing Framework

This document outlines is to detail the Company's sustainable financing process, focusing on the categories of projects that are eligible to access sustainable financial instruments. This Framework is aligned with the sustainable financing principles and guidelines established by ICMA, LMA, LSTA and APLMA.

Sustainability Policy

This policy sets up a robust framework guiding business decisions and strategies towards optimal Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) practices. It covers essential aspects like responsible resource management, minimizing environmental impacts, fostering ethical practices, and social commitment.

Second Party Opinion (SPO)

This document provides the review of the Company's Sustainable Financing Framework conducted by Sustainable Fitch. The main objective of this document is to assess the framework's compliance with the principles and guidelines established for sustainable financing.

Supplier Code

This Code is the set of guidelines established to ensure that all Megacable suppliers are aligned with the highest ethical, operational, and sustainable standards.

Conflict of Interest Policy

This Policy establishes the guidelines for handling situations that potentially represent a conflict of interest for Megacable Comunicaciones Employees.

Diversity Policy

This Policy aims to ensure that in all operations and workplaces of Megacable Comunicaciones, labor equality, non-discrimination in any form, and respect for diversity are promoted throughout the Company.